Calcilon (13-8-24+10 CaO+TE)is a special water-soluble fertilizer
provide the major elements of nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium as well provide
an important elements and high amount of calcium.
Calcilon contains high percentage of potassium
with calcium which it is best to use on fruiting stage:
- to increase fruit size
and improve cell wall strength.
- Calcilon improve fruit shelf and fruit quality
- Calcilon is fast acting fertilizer due to
component of pure source of nutrients
- Calcilon provide necessary trace elements
which chelated by EDTA
- Calcilon excellent to use by foliar due to its
rapid absorption by plant
- Calcilon suitable to use by all fertigation
system which no conflict interaction between phosphorous and calcium
- Calcilon suitable to use on hydroponic
(soilless crops)
- Calcilon provide high numbers of nutrients in
one product to ease work